for Government

for Government

A tool for public health policy

Three Main Categories of Telemedicine

Industries we serve

Aging population

Between 2020 and 2030 alone, the number of older persons is projected to increase by almost 18 million as the last of the large baby boom cohorts reaches age 65. Although much smaller in total size, the number of people ages 85 and older is projected to more than triple from 6 million today to nearly 20 million by 2060.

Industries we serve

Growing number of chronically ill

In 2030 the number of U.S. residents struggling with at least one chronic illness is expected to surpass 170 million. The expanding elderly population (over 80 million now) and more than 40 percent of children and adolescents currently have at least one chronic or genetic illness.

When someone develops a chronic disease, it can cause debilitating and life-altering changes that penetrate every aspect of life.

Industries we serve

Tremendous cost burden

Healthcare costs will take over 18% of USA GDP in 2023, 3 times more than the Defense budget. The spectrum of chronic diseases comprises a disproportionately large segment of U.S. health care costs.


It will save lives in Critical Care, Emergency Situations and Remote Advanced Diagnostic Methods supported by distributed client/server applications to local medical centers.

Dynamic Observation

PUMAS provides the Dynamic Observation of Current Vital Signs deterioration and Digital Archiving of client’s medical information.

Current Vital Signs

PUMAS provides baseline data and dynamic Current Vital Signs and real time 2-way loud and printable channel for Client – Telemedical operator.

Reductions in the cost

Reductions in the cost of providing quality care to the chronically ill.

Public health surveillance

Improved global and local public health surveillance, with a resultant reduction in epidemics, increased control over infectious disease and improved drug safety.

Medical Errors

Reduced rate of medical errors.

Customer Service

Better "customer service" in healthcare.

Preventive Health

Ongoing preventive health, with corresponding reductions in morbidity, disability, mortality and the cost of care.


Consumer engagement in health and responsible self-management.

Clinical Trials

Safer and more effective clinical trials.

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trust our expert review


in business


in app development


unicorns built


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Medical Alert service is the perfect instrument
to deploy a mass market consumer product, generating renewable, year-to-year revenue.

For more information, such as)
Please contact our office:

Tony Vanetik: inventor, project CEO:

Boris Braslavsky: originator/inventor/project principal


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