for Investors

PUMAS for Investors

PUMAS Life is a California Company, created and registered in 2012 as a High-Tech design, technology transfer and business integrator, primarily engaged in High-Tech hardware & software development.

US / International Patents

PUMAS Life has patented and is now developing the Wearable Wireless Personal Universal Mobile Alert System (PUMAS) for real-time monitoring of individual’s vital signs, working 24/7/365 as a standalone independent system or wirelessly connected to standard smart phones for the quickest possible emergency alert response, intervention and help to clients by local Emergency Response teams in case of user’s life critical and dangerous situations.

USA Patent:

US  11,849,379  B1

Abroad under Paris Convention:
US 62/722,724 AP 18/212’676

USA Patent:

US  11,849,379  B1

Abroad under Paris Convention: US 62/722,724 AP 18/212’676

Aging population

Between 2020 and 2030 alone, the number of older persons is projected to increase by almost 18 million as the last of the large baby boom cohorts reaches age 65. Although much smaller in total size, the number of people ages 85 and older is projected to more than triple from 6 million today to nearly 20 million by 2060

Growing number
of chronically ill

In 2030 the number of U.S. residents struggling with at least one chronic illness is expected to surpass 170 million. The expanding elderly population (over 80 million now) and more than 40 percent of children and adolescents currently have at least one chronic or genetic illness.

When someone develops a chronic disease, it can cause debilitating and life-altering changes that penetrate every aspect of life.

Other concerned individuals

Add to this number all the parents concerned with kids’ safety, police and fire departments personnel, agricultural field workers, hikers, as well as people cut off from regular communications channels as a result of natural disasters such as forest fires and earthquakes.

Customers for life

This is the PUMAS potential clientele for life. PUMAS decreases mortality, morbidity, and disability rates in cases of medical emergency and significantly decreases health care costs by reducing workload on hospitals, rehabilitation centers, private medical institutions, Emergency Response teams and call center operators.

Tremendous funds allocated

Healthcare costs will take over 18% of USA GDP in 2023, 3 times more than the Defense budget. The spectrum of chronic diseases comprises a disproportionately large segment of U.S. health care costs.

Government paying for individual users (in some states)

In some parts of the United States state and local governments trying to achieve health care savings, already began to allocate public funds to pay private clients for old simplified “pushbutton” Medical Alert services!


Proven Track Record


Customer Satisfaction


We Have Completed


Average Answer Time

PUMAS Medical Alert service is the perfect instrument to deploy a mass market consumer product, generating renewable, year-to-year revenue.

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Contact us
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our office


Medical Alert service is the perfect instrument
to deploy a mass market consumer product, generating renewable, year-to-year revenue.

For more information, such as)
Please contact our office:

Tony Vanetik: inventor, project CEO:

Boris Braslavsky: originator/inventor/project principal


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